User manual

11.2 Draining the water
Drain the condensed water container
after each drying cycle.
If the condensed water container is full,
the programme breaks off automatically.
The indicator Water container is on
and you must drain the water container.
To drain the water container:
1. Pull the water container and keep it
in horizontal position.
2. Move the plastic connection out and
drain the water into a basin or
equivalent receptacle.
3. Move plastic connection in and install
water container.
4. To continue the programme press
the Start/Pause button.
11.3 Cleaning the heat
If the indicator
Heat exchanger
flashes, do the inspection of the heat
exchanger and its compartment. If there
is a dirt, clean it.
To do the inspection:
1. Open the door. Pull the filter.
2. Move the release button on the
bottom of the door to open the heat
exchanger door.
3. Turn the blockage to unlock the heat
exchanger cover.