User manual

Technical terms
Refrigerant Liquids which are able to produce a cooling effect are called refriger-
ants. Their boiling point is relatively low; it is sufficiently low for the
heat contained in foods stored in the refrigerating appliance to cause
the refrigerant to boil and therefore evaporate.
Cooling circuit The closed circuit system which contains the refrigerant. The cooling
circuit consists principally of the evaporator, compressor, condenser
and pipes.
Evaporator In the evaporator, the refrigerant evaporates. Like all liquids, in order
to be able to evaporate, the refrigerant needs heat. This heat is taken
from the compartment inside the appliance which, as a result, gets
cooler. For this reason, the evaporator is located inside the appliance
or is encased in insulating material immediately behind the internal
wall, and is therefore not visible.
Compressor The compressor looks like a small barrel. It is operated by a built-in
electric motor and is fitted in the base at the back of the appliance.
The compressor’s function is to extract the refrigerant in the form of
vapour from the evaporator, to compress it and to carry it to the con-
Condenser The condenser is normally in the form of a grille. It liquefies the refrig-
erant after it has been compressed in the compressor. During this
process, heat is released which, through the surface of the condens-
er, is dispersed into the surrounding atmosphere. For this reason, the
condenser is normally located on the back of the appliance.