User manual

11.17 Tips on baking
Baking results Possible cause Remedy
The bottom of the cake
is not baked sufficiently.
The shelf position is incor-
Put the cake on a lower shelf.
The cake sinks and be-
comes soggy or streaky.
The oven temperature is
too high.
Next time set slightly lower oven
The baking time is too
Next time set a longer baking
time and lower oven temperature.
The cake is too dry. The oven temperature is
too low.
Next time set higher oven tem-
The baking time is too long. Next time set shorter baking time.
The cake bakes uneven-
The oven temperature is
too high and the baking
time is too short.
Set lower oven temperature and
longer baking time.
The cake batter is not even-
ly distributed.
Next time spread the cake batter
evenly on the baking tray.
The cake is not ready in
the baking time speci-
fied in a recipe.
The oven temperature is
too low.
Next time set a slightly higher
oven temperature.
11.18 Baking on one oven level
(°C) (min)
Ring cake / Brioche True Fan Cooking 150 - 160 50 - 70 1
Madeira cake / Fruit cakes True Fan Cooking 140 - 160 70 - 90 1
Sponge cake True Fan Cooking 140 - 150 35 - 50 1
Sponge cake Conventional
160 35 - 50 1
Flan base - short pastry, pre-
heat the empty oven
True Fan Cooking 150 - 160 20 - 30 2
Flan base - sponge cake
True Fan Cooking 150 - 170 20 - 25 2
Apple pie, 2 tins Ø20 cm True Fan Cooking 160 70 - 90 2
Apple pie, 2 tins Ø20 cm Conventional
180 70 - 90 1