Recipe Book

Mix the cornflour, flour and baking pow-
der and fold into the mixture with the
Drain sour cherries and fold into the mix-
ture with the chocolate chips.
Put the mixture into the paper cases, put
cases onto a baking tray and put in the
appliance. Use muffin tray if available.
Time in the appliance: 40 minutes
Shelf position: 2
Sweet Tart
2 sheets original Swiss flaky pastry or
puff pastry (rolled out in a square)
50 g ground hazelnuts
1.2 kg apples
3 eggs
•300 ml cream
70 g sugar
Place pastry on a well-greased baking tray
and prick the bottom all over with a fork.
Spread the hazelnuts evenly over the pas-
try. Peel apples, remove cores and cut in-
to 12 slices. Spread slices evenly on the
pastry. Mix eggs, cream, sugar and vanilla
sugar together well and put over the ap-
Time in the appliance: 55 minutes
Shelf position: 2
Carrot Cake (version 1)
Ingredients for the mixture:
150 ml sunflower oil
100 g brown sugar
2 eggs
75 g syrup
•175 g flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 / 2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon baking powder
200 g finely grated carrots
75 g sultanas
25 g grated coconut
Ingredients for the topping:
50 g butter
150 g cream cheese
40 g sugar crystals
ground hazelnuts
Round springform baking tin with 22 cm
diameter, greased
Cream together sunflower oil, brown sug-
ar, eggs and syrup. Fold in the rest of the
ingredients for the mixture.
Put the mixture into the greased baking
Time in the appliance: 55 minutes
Shelf position: 2
After baking:
Mix butter, cream cheese and sugar crys-
tals (if necessary, add a little milk to make
it spreadable).
Spread over the cake once it has cooled
down and sprinkle ground hazelnuts over
the top.
Carrot Cake (version 2 — Swiss rec-
Ingredients for the mixture:
4 egg white
1 pinch salt
80 g icing sugar
120 g sugar
200 g finly grated carrots
200 g finly ground almonds
1 lemon, juice and grated skin
1 tablespoon cherry liquer
1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
60 g flour
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
Ingredients for the topping:
150g icing sugar
1 tablespoon cherry liquer
12 decorative marzipan carrots
ground hazelnuts
Springform cake tin with 26 cm diame-
ter, greased and the bottom lined with
baking parchment.
Beat egg whites with salt until forming
peaks, add the icing sugar and beat to a
fest white of egg. Mix the egg yolk and
sugar to a cream and add the other ingre-
dients. Add a quarter of the beaten white
of egg with the egg yolk and then careful-
ly mix the rest of the beaten white of egg