Operation Manual

Power management
The power management divides the power be-
tween two cooking zones in a pair (see the fig-
ure). The power function increases the power to
the maximum level for one cooking zone in the
pair and automatically decreases in the second
cooking zone to a lower power level. The display
for the reduced zone alternates.
Using the Timer
Count Down Timer
Use the Count Down Timer to set how long the cooking zone operates for one cooking
Set the Count Down Timer after the selection of the cooking zone.
You can set the heat setting before or after you set the timer.
Selection of the cooking zone: touch
again and again until the indicator of a
necessary cooking zone comes on.
Starting the Count Down Timer: touch
of the timer to set the time (
minutes). When the indicator of the cooking zone flashes slower, the time counts down.
Checking the remaining time: select the cooking zone with
. The indicator of
the cooking zone flashes faster. Display shows the remaining time.
Changing the Count Down Timer: select the cooking zone with
touch or .
Stopping the timer: select the cooking zone with
. Touch . The remaining time
counts backwards to
. The indicator of the cooking zone goes out. To switch off
You can also touch
and at the same time.
When the time elapses, the sound operates and
flashes. The cooking zone switches
Stopping the sound: touch
CountUp Timer (Count up timer)
Use the CountUp Timer to monitor how long the cooking zone operates.
Selection of the cooking zone (if more than 1 cooking zone operate): touch
again and again until the indicator of a necessary cooking zone comes on.
Starting the CountUp Timer: touch
of the timer comes on. When the indicator
of the cooking zone flashes slower, the time counts up, display switches between
and time elapsed (minutes)
Checking the elapsed time: select the cooking zone with
. The indicator of the
cooking zone flashes faster. Display shows the elapsed time.
Stopping the CountUp Timer: select the cooking zone with
and touch or
to switch off the timer. The indicator of the cooking zone goes out.
Minute Minder
You can use the timer as a Minute Minder while cooking zones do not operate. Touch
. Touch or of the timer to select the time. When the time elapses, the sound
operates and
Stopping the sound: touch
Operating instructions