User manual

4. When flashes, press or to
set the pyrolysis duration:
Option Description
P1 Light clean-
ing. Duration:
1 h 30 min.
P2 Normal clean-
ing. Duration:
3 h.
After 2 seconds the pyrolysis starts.
You can use the END function to delay
the start of the cleaning.
During the pyrolysis the oven lamp is off.
5. To change the default length of the
pyrolysis (P1 or P2), press
to set
, and then press or .
6. When the oven is at the set
temperature, the door locks. The
display shows
and the bars of the
heat indicator until the door unlocks.
7. When pyrolysis is completed, the
display shows the time of day. The
oven door stays locked.
8. When the oven is cool again, a signal
sounds and the door unlocks.
10.4 Cleaning reminder
To remind you that the pyrolysis is
necessary, PYR flashes in the display for
10 seconds after each activation and
deactivation of the oven.
The cleaning reminder
goes out:
after the end of the
if you press and at
the same time while PYR
flashes in the display.
10.5 Removing and installing
the door
You can remove the door and the
internal glass panels to clean it. The
number of glass panels is different for
different models.
Be careful when you remove
the door from the appliance.
The door is heavy.
1. Open the door fully.
2. Fully lift up the clamping levers (A) on
the two door hinges.
3. Close the door until it is at an angle
of approximately 45°.
4. Hold the door with one hand on each
side and pull it away from the
appliance at an upwards angle.
5. Put the door with the outer side
down on a soft cloth on a stable
surface. This is to prevent scratches.
6. Hold the door trim (B) on the top
edge of the door at the two sides
and push inwards to release the clip