Recipe Book

pepper and brown on all sides in a
roasting pan on the ring. Add
chanterelles and some of the soup
vegetables out of the marinade. Pour
marinade into the roasting pan; the
bottom should be covered by 10-15 mm.
Cover the roasting pan with a lid and put
in the oven.
Time in the appliance (min): 140
Shelf position: 1
5.1 Chicory Gratin:
For 4 people.
8 medium-sized chicories
8 slices cooked ham
30 g butter
1.5 tablespoons flour
150 ml vegetable stock (from the
5 tablespoons milk
100 g grated cheese
Halve the chicory and cut out the bitter
core. Then wash carefully and steam for
15 minutes in boiling water. Take chicory
halves out of the water, refresh in cold
water and put the halves together again.
Then wrap each one in a slice of ham and
place in a greased baking dish. Melt the
butter and add flour. Sautée briefly and
then pour in vegetable stock and milk
and bring to the boil. Stir 50 g cheese
into the sauce and pour over the chicory.
Then sprinkle the rest of the cheese over
the dish.
Time in the appliance (min): 35
Shelf position: 3
5.2 Franconian Dumpling Pan:
For 6-8 people.
Approx. 1000 g turkey strips
1 small tin mushrooms (small heads)
500 g chopped onions
1 kg dumpling dough
400 g grated cheese
250 ml cream
Season the turkey strips with salt,
pepper, paprika etc. Sauté the chopped
onions. Drain the mushrooms
thoroughly. Then mix together the meat,
onions and mushrooms and put into an
oven dish. Mix the dumpling dough and
cheese together and put them on top of
the turkey mixture. Then pour over the
Time in the appliance (min): 75
Shelf position: 1
5.3 Jansons Temptation:
For 4 people.
8 - 10 potatoes
2 onions
125 g anchovy fillets
300 ml cream
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
freshly chopped thyme
2 tablespoons butter
Wash potatoes, peel and cut into fine
strips. Peel onions and cut into strips.
Grease an ovenproof baking dish with
butter. Place a third of the potatoes and
onions in the dish. On top place half of
the anchovy fillets and cover with
another third of the onions and potatoes.
Distribute the rest of the anchovy fillets
on top. On top place the rest of the
onions and potatoes, with the top layer
being potatoes. Sprinkle with pepper
and sprinkle the chopped thyme over the
top. Pour the brine from the anchovies
over the bake and add the cream.
Sprinkle over the breadcrumbs and place
little knobs of butter on the top.
Time in the appliance (min): 60
Shelf position: 3
5.4 Lasagne:
For 4 people.