Recipe Book

Place butter, sugar, lemon peel, vanilla
sugar and salt in a mixing bowl and
cream together. Then add the eggs one
at a time and cream together again.
Add the flour and cornflour mixed with
the baking powder to the creamed
mixture and fold in.
Put the mixture into the greased and
breadcrumbed baking tin, smooth out
and put in the appliance.
After baking, mix lemon juice and icing
sugar. Turn the cake out onto a piece of
aluminium foil.
Fold up the aluminium foil against the
sides of the cake so that the glaze cannot
run out. Pierce the cake with a wooden
chopstick and brush on the glaze. Then
leave the cake for a while to soak up the
Time in the appliance: 75 minutes
Shelf position: 1
7.9 Muffins
150 g butter
150 g sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar (approximately
8 g)
1 pinch salt
zest of one unwaxed lemon
2 eggs
50 ml milk
25 g cornflour
225 g flour
10 g baking powder
1 jar of sour cherries (375 g)
225 g chocolate chips
Paper cases, approximately 7 cm
Cream together butter, sugar, vanilla
sugar, salt and the zest of one unwaxed
lemon. Add eggs and cream together
Mix the cornflour, flour and baking
powder and fold into the mixture with
the milk.
Drain sour cherries and fold into the
mixture with the chocolate chips.
Put the mixture into the paper cases, put
cases onto a baking tray and put in the
appliance. Use muffin tray if available.
Time in the appliance: 40 minutes
Shelf position: 3
7.10 Ring Cake
Ingredients for the base:
500 g flour
1 small packet dried yeast (8 g dry
yeast or 42 g fresh yeast)
80 g icing sugar
150 g butter
3 eggs
2 level teaspoons salt
150 ml milk
70 g raisins (soak in 20 ml of kirsch for
1 hour beforehand)
Ingredients for the finish:
50 g whole peeled almonds
Put flour, dried yeast, icing sugar, butter,
eggs, salt and milk into a mixing bowl
and knead to a smooth yeast dough.
Cover the dough in the bowl and leave
to rise for 1 hour.
Knead the soaked raisins into the dough
by hand.
Place the almonds individually into each
hollow in a greased and floured
gugelhupf tin.
Then shape the dough into a sausage
shape, place in the gugelhupf tin. Cover
and leave to rise again for 45 minutes.
Time in the appliance: 60 minutes
Shelf position: 1
7.11 Savarin Cake
Ingredients for the dough:
350 g flour
1 small packet dried yeast (8 g dry
yeast or 42 g fresh yeast)
75 g sugar
100 g butter
5 egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 packet vanilla sugar (approximately
8 g)