User manual

Chapter 3. Operation
61200314L1-1 Dual T1/PRI Module User Manual 3-7
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
The performance fields (either current, 15-minute total, or 24-hour total)
provide status on key performance measures as specified in ANSI T1.403
and AT&T TR54016 for each of thetwo T1/PRI ports. ExceptingCLR,these
fields are all read-only. The monitored parameters include the following:
PRT Displays the port number.
CLR Clears performance information for the selected port.
ES An Errored Seconds (ES) is a second with one or more error events OR one
or more Out Of Frame events OR one or more Controlled Slips.
BES A Bursty Errored Seconds (BES) is a second with more than one, but less
than 320 error events.
SES A Severely Errored Second (SES) is a second with 320 or more error events
OR one or more Out Of Frame events.
SEFS Severely Errored Frame Seconds.
LOFC Loss of Frame Count.
CSS Controlled Slip Seconds.
UAS Unavailable Seconds.
LCV Line Code Violations.
PCV Path Code Violations.
LES Line Errored Seconds.
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
Stores the performance data for the previous 15-minute window. Refer to
Performance Current for a detailed description of these fields.
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
Stores the performance data for the previous 24-hour window. Refer to Per-
formance Current for a detailed description.
All of the following configurable parameters apply to whether the port is
connected to a Primary Rate ISDN circuit or a channelized T1 circuit.
Read security: 5
Displays the port number.
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
Accepts any alpha-numeric name up to 16 characters long, to uniquely
identify each port on the Dual T1/PRI Module.