Owner's manual

ADS Environmental Services ADS Spider User Manual
Page 77
NOTE: Select the always-on mode only for AC-powered applications
when continuous LAN access or faster analog input scanning is
desired. At all other times, the default LP mode should be used.
To change the operating mode, access the Change Settings page,
as described in Setting up a Spider for the First Time on page 32.
Click Change Power Settings.
In System Power: select LOW POWER (default) or ALWAYS ON
as desired.
Extra Low Power Operation Modem Scheduling
ADS Spider power consumption may be drastically reduced by
scheduling the times during the day when the internal modem is
powered up. The modem consumes approximately 90% of the power
while the unit is in its normal mode (i.e., when the display is blank).
This dramatic improvement in power consumption comes at the cost
of the ability to remotely connect to the Spider. Modem scheduling
lets you customize your application by finding an optimal combination
of remote access times and power consumption.
NOTE: During the scheduled modem OFF times, only remote access
is unavailable. Alarm-initiated text messages and e-mail
transmissions will operate normally.
Modem scheduling is disabled by default (i.e., the modem is always
turned on).
To enable modem scheduling, access the Change Settings page,
as described in Setting up a Spider for the First Time on page 32.
Click Change Power Settings.
The following page is displayed. (If the Daily Power Schedule is not
shown, click on CONTROLLED BY SCHEDULE.)