User's Manual

Appendix B: 75-Ohm CATV Cable
Page 16 InterReach Spectrum Remote Access Unit Installation Guide
2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-168 Issue 207/2011
The 75-Ohm CATV Cable:
connects the IFEU to MRAU(s) and the MRAU(s) to the SRAU(s)
transmits (FWD) multiband and receives (REV) IF signals
delivers DC electrical power to the RAUs. The Spectrum IFEU DC voltage output
is 54VDC nominal. If the IFEU reaches its current limit, a current-limiting circuit
protects it.
carries configuration and status information
uses 75 type-F connectors with captive centerpins.
CATV Cable Requirements
Belden CATV cable or equivalent is required (see Figure 2).
For the RG-6 cable, use a Belden 1695A Coax.
For the RG-11 cable, use a Belden 7732A Coax.
NOTE: ADC requires solid copper center conductor CATV cable for proper DC voltage to the RAU
and maximum distances.
Figure 2. Belden 1695A and 7732A Coax Cables
Belden 1695A Coax
Belden 7732A Coax