User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Replacing a Fusion Main Hub
8-4 InterReach Fusion Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual
CONFIDENTIAL D-x620610-0-20 Rev F
8.3 Replacing a Fusion Main Hub
You must record the system configuration settings from the old Fusion Main Hub’s
memory before replacing the unit. You will program the new Main Hub with this
information. If the Main Hub is programmed incorrectly, the system will not work. If
the Hub to be replaced is not functioning and you cannot use AdminBrowser, get the
configuration settings from the As-Built Document that was created as part of the
original installation.
Replacing a Fusion Main Hub
1. Using AdminBrowser, log in, click SYSTEM INFORMATION, click SHOW SYSTEM
REE, select Fusion Hub, click GET SYSTEM INFORMATION.
2. Turn off the power to the Fusion Main Hub.
3. Disconnect all cables and the AC power cord.
4. Replace the Main Hub with a new one.
5. Connect the AC power cord and all cables.
6. Connect the crossover Ethernet cable to the PC and then to the Main Hub’s front
panel 100Base-T connector. ADMIN/LAN port)
7. Start the standard browser on the PC to communicate with AdminBrowser soft-
8. Turn on the power to the Main Hub.
9. Observe the LEDs after turning on the power.
All the LEDs blink during the initial power up sequence. All LEDs should turn
green after the power on sequence is complete. Power up sequence takes between
1 and 2 minutes depending on the number of RAUs.
Configure the New Fusion Main Hub
1. Using AdminBrowser and log in to the Main Hub.
3. Click SET DATE/TIME and enter the current date and time.
5. Follow the instructions to eventually reboot the system to set the date and time.
6. Using AdminBrowser, log in and click SYSTEM CONFIGURATION.
8. Set the new Main Hub parameters from the old Main Hub and click INSTALL SYS-
TEM (that is, uplink and downlink gain, system labels, and so on).
9. Follow the instructions to perform a System Test.