User's Manual
Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual
Chapter 6 Advanced Setup
DNS Server 1 - the primary DNS server provided by the Internet
Service Provider (ISP). If the ISP provided DNS server informa-
tion, enter it here. If not, leave the text box intact.
DNS Server 2 - the secondary DNS provided by the Internet Service
Provider (ISP). If the ISP provided secondary DNS server infor-
mation, enter it here. If not, leave the text box intact.
Services Blocking
Selecting Services Blocking in the “Advanced Configuration” screen generates the
“Services Blocking” screen.
To modify Internet privileges (Web, FTP, Newsgroups, etc.) for the computers on
the network:
1. Enter the computer’s IP address in the IP Address: text box.
2. Select the Internet service(s) to be blocked.
3. Click Add to enter the computer’s IP address in the “Blocked IP Address List”
text box.
4. To remove blocked services, select the computer’s IP address in the “Blocked
IP Address List” text box and click Remove.