Installation Manual

15.2.2 Rdy-to-Set LED
This function must also be set if the info module is equipped with properties of the
“Ready” display. This signals that at least one zone in the partition is open (zones
connected with “Force Set” property). Proceed as follows:
Select the Rdy-to-Set LED menu item.
To display the ready display on the info module, select Enabled and confirm by
pressing Select.
To deactivate the function, select Disabled and confirm by pressing Select.
15.3 Add WAM
After programming the accessory module according to the instructions, it can be added
to the system.
Select Add/Del WAM
The “Rdy-to-Set LED” function may result in increased wireless traffic as
the status change of a detector must also be sent to the info module. If
this results in system malfunctions, then the “Rdy-to-Set LED” function
must be deactivated. As described in the info module, the red LED on
the info module lights up as long as a zone is open (also applies to
“Force Set” zones). This indicates that the system cannot be activated
(or can only be activated with hidden zones).
Please ensure that reserved outputs and zones are allocated to each
WAM. See the table on reserved WAM outputs and zones.
Accessory module Reserved outputs Reserved zones
WAM 1 31 - 34 48
WAM 2 27 - 30 47
WAM 3 23 - 26 46
WAM 4 19 - 22 45
WAM 5 15 - 18 44
WAM 6 11 - 14 43
WAM 7 07 - 10 42
WAM 8 03 - 06 41
Program the accessory module as detailed in the WAM installation
instructions (e.g. as a wireless receiver / transmitter (function 3))
In the installer menu:
Select WAM.