Operation Manual

Aer a few seconds you will hear the 40 seconds during pre-alarm,
wich will be followed by the alarm, if you keep on steaming the
gas into the casing.
Press lightly on the top of the device. (the part that shows the
ame) The 3Gas alarm is acvated and runs an automac test
to verify proper operaon. For a good result the LED lights up
briey and a long beep follows. Aer this, the sensor technology is
calibrated which is indicated by the illuminaon of the green LED.
Aer calibraon, the green LED stays on. The self-test lasts for 2
to 4 minutes.
Technical data:
Voltage 12 VDC - 24 VDC
Current consumpon in standby mode 100mA
Current consumpon in alarm 180mA
Signal: 80dB
Sensivity about 95ppm EEC
Connecon cable red = +; Connecon cable black = -
Conformity 89 / 336EEC, 93 / 68EEC