Systemair AJR 355-Q 460V - 4094CFM, Low Sound, 44N Thrust, Impulse Jet Fan




Our AJR Series of Axial Impulse Jet Fans are designed to optimize Sweep Ventilation Systems and reduce costly exhaust ducting in enclosed and underground parking garages. Using the combined performance factors of Airflow, Thrust, Throw, and Induction the AJR fully implements an Extraction Ventilation Strategy to more effectively reduce CO levels compared to traditional garage ventilation designs. The innovative new AJR-Q addresses the most common challenge of Axial Jet Fans by reducing objectionable fan and airflow noise while improving performance. • For daily ventilation requirements • Optimized construction for Quiet (Q) operation, rated at 74dBA @ 10ft at maximum thrust • Housing made from galvanized steel


1499247 AJR OIPMEN202022-10-02
2AMCA 250EN82022-10-02
3E1988 AJR Q Sales SheetEN32022-10-02