Motorola MK3100 Barcode Scanner




Today's shoppers, guests and travelers want to choose how to get the service they need from a person or from a self-service kiosk. And with over 90 percent 1 reporting the use of self-service kiosks, providing self service devices is crucial to meeting those service expectations — and the success of your organization. With the MK3100 Micro Kiosk, you'll have all the features you need to deliver an impressive self-service experience. This powerful device supports simple applications such as price and inventory checks to highly intuitive and elegantly designed multimedia applications such as how-to or product informational videos and product catalogs, allowing shoppers, guests and travelers to get the information they need quickly and easily. Deliver selfservice with a difference with the MK3100. Part Details: Barcode Scanners - Motorola MK3100 - 2D Imager - General Purpose - Fixed Mount - Windows - Touch Capabilities - Black


1Spec SheetEN22022-11-04