Chilli Penguin The Eighty Ate "88" (Multi Fuel)




Big boy, Big oven, Big love The Penguin 88 features the same 8kW clean burn fire chamber as the Penguin 8 but also offers you some additional benefits that are well worth considering.Let's start with the most obvious one – the 88's generously proportioned oven and top hot pate. These are much bigger than on the Hungry, Fat and High & Mighty Chilli Penguins thus widening the choice of dishes that you will be able to cook. Not only is the oven 190mm (7.5" approx) wider at 440mm (17.5" approx) but it is also a further 110mm higher (4" approx) so that it can easily accommodate typical pots and casserole dishes and their lids at up to 175mm (7") high allowing you to cater for four or five people. Of course if you just want some proper slow-baked potatoes with crispy skins then then Penguin 88 will cope wonderfully. Not only that, with its optional stainless steel drop on protective top for the hot plate, the special combination of big hot plate and big oven really adds to the overall versatility of the Eighty A...

