Use and Care Manual

1. Choose the right fabric: Choose the fabric appropriate for your lifestyle and usage. Use
synthetic fabric in areas of heavy usage. If you have pets, avoid fabrics that are heavily textured
or have loose weaves.
2. Protect your fabric: Several choices for pre-treated, stain repelling upholstery are available in
the market.
3. Make slip covers: Slip covers are a popular way of making sofas child-friendly. Replacing an
irretrievably stained cover is far cheaper than re-upholstering a sofa.
4. Use loose cushions: Using loose cushions as opposed to fixed ones allows the flexibility of
creating new looks by simply changing covers. It also slows down wear and tear and tends to
make the sofas look newer.
5. Keep changing your spot: Often, we tend to sit in the same spot over and over again, which
could result in greater erosion of fibres in that area
6. Keep away from direct sunlight: Direct and harsh sunlight can cause the fabric to fade,
making it look older than its age. Try and place your sofa such that it is away from the sunlight.
7. Clean your fabric sofa on a regular basis:
To ensure that your sofa is always in tip-top condition, it’s best to clean it regularly. This is
because the fibres in your upholstery tend to collect dirt particles and keep them hidden below
the surface level.
Below, we’ve set out three easy steps that you should follow regularly to make sure your sofa
remains dust and dirt free. We advise that you clean your upholstery every fortnight to keep it
- Vacuum your sofa’s upholstery to draw out all the loose dust and dirt from both under and
above the surface. Use a soft brush attachment and gentle movements for this task to avoid
scratching or marking the material. This is especially important for delicate fabrics like velvet.
- When you’re giving your sofa a quick clean, you should take care of any grime or light
marks with a damp cloth. However, once or twice every month, you should use a fabric-friendly
cleaning product to perform a much deeper cleanse we recommend the Mild Fabric Foam
Cleaner that is included in our fabric cleaning kit for the task. Apply some with a small amount of
water (without soaking the material) and leave it to work.
- Leave your sofa to dry naturally before sitting on it again. This will prevent creases forming,
which usually means you have to start over. In the warmer months, you should open your
home’s windows and doors to improve air flow and speed up the drying process.
With care and attention your product will give you many years of enjoyment!

Summary of content (1 pages)