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Our company aims to promote safety in the use of the Electric Balance
Wheel. Like riding a bicycle or driving a car, the Electric Balance Wheel
is a potentially dangerous vehicle that requires learning and mastery, so
please read the instructions in this manual carefully to educate and
prepare yourself for riding
Always check the device's tires for damage and ensure all screws
on the device securely fastened before riding
Familiarize yourself the safety procedures for charging, riding, getting
on and off before riding
Do not modify the Electric Balance Wheel with parts from third party as
it may cause serious damage to the device
Please ensure that you are within the weight limits to avoid stressing
or overloading the device
As mentioned, safety in operating the Electric Balance Scooter is
important. Please familiarize yourself with the following instructions
for an optimal experience
Press the power button to turn on the Electric Balance Wheel
Place one foot gently on a pad to activate the device's automatic self-
balance systems. With the two pads flashing, step on the Electric
Balance Wheel and transfer your weight on the device as smoothly as
After the scooter is balanced. the Electric Balance Wheel will level out
and remain stationary. Lean forward to make the device travel forward
Lean backward to reverse, and put your weight on one side to execute a
If you attempt to step on the Electric Balance Wheel while the two sides
are not balanced, a warning alarm may sound
On-the-spot turns may be executed by shifting one foot forward and the
other back. Only attempt this after you have grown comfortable with
operating the Electric Balance Wheel
To get off, decelerate until the device is stationary, then step quickly off
the rear with one foot, then the other.
For your safety, do not attempt sharp turns at high speeds.
Do not begin or end operation of the Electric Balance Scooter on a slope
as this may damage the self-balancing system or cause it to function
If the Electric Balance Scooter malfunctions or becomes compromised in
any of the following ways, the device may alert the user with a warning
indicator light and alarm buzzer.
Going over the maximum safe speed of 6 miles per hour
Battery near depletion
Body rocking back and forth for more than 30 seconds
In addition, the device will automatically enter "stop" mode if any of the
following occurs
The device rotates in either direction more than 35 degrees
Tires become locked for more than 2 seconds
The battery voltage is lower than the protection value
Sustained, continued discharge of battery that may damage the
device(such as pushing for too long up a steep slope)
The maximum range of the Electric Balance Wheel is subject to multiple
factors, including
Terrain: Smooth, flat terrain will increase the devices range, while
rougher, bumpier terrain will reduce it
Weight: Lighter rider will be able to travel further on a single charge
Environment Temperature: Extreme hot or cold temperature will
reduce the device's range
Speed and driving style. Keeping a medium, comfortable speed will
increase the maximum range of the device, while frequent starts,
stops, and abrupt turns will reduce it
The maximum speed of the Electric Balance Wheel is approximately 10
kilometers per hour, that is, 6 miles per hour. When driving over the
maximum allowable speed, the device will beep continuously
1 2
If the "battery low" indicator turns on, do not continue to operate the
Electric Balance Wheel, as it may affect the long-term life of the internal
battery.The music function cannot be used while charging.
Devices are not intended for use at elevations greater than 2000 m
above sea level
For your safety, please observe the following conditions when operating
the Electric Balance Wheel, as it may affect the long-term life of the
internal battery
Please wear comfortable, casual sportswear and shoes without heels
to ensure proper contact with the foot pads
Practice operating the Electric Balance Wheel in an open field, empty
parking lot, or other familiar, flat terrain until you are proficient at
starting, stopping, turning, and dismounting from the device
Driving surfaces should be flat with minimal slopes
Avoid operating the Electric Balance Wheel near pedestrians and
traffic. The Electric Balance Wheel is not street-legal and should not
be operated on roads where motor vehicles are permitted
If you wish to use the Electric Balance Wheel in an area where permis-
sion is required, secure permission first
Do not operate the device on a wet road, ice. or in the rain or snow
Do not travel at high speeds in reverse
Do not engage in any other activities while operating the device,
including texting, listening to music, reading, or any other activities
that requires your hands and eyes
Maintain aware of your surroundings while operating the device
Keep the soles of your feet in full contact with the pads at all times when
operating the device
Always comply with local traffic laws when operating the Electric
Balance Scooter
Do not use the Electric Balance Wheel while under the influence of
alcohol, drugs, or other substances
Do not use the Electric Balance Wheel if you have a history of heart
disease. high blood pressure, or if you are pregnant/nursing
Do not use the Electric Balance Wheel as a means of public transporta
tion. The device is meant for personal entertainment only
Do not start or stop suddenly
Avoid driving on a steep slope
Always wear safety equipment when operating the device, including
elbow and knee pads, helmet, etc
Under no circumstances should you use the Electric Balance Wheel in
situations where you are likely to lose control, get into collisions, or
otherwise cause damage to others or yourself Please ensure that the
device is in good condition prior to operating, and carefully read and be
familiar with this manual
This section highlights appropriate safety knowledge and warnings that
you should become familiar with prior to operating the Electric Balance
Scooter. Understanding the points outlined here can improve your safety
and enjoyment.

Summary of content (3 pages)