Operation Manual

DEWBU DB-118 智能恒温加热服 APP 操作说明书
APP Operation Manual for DEWBU DB-118 Intelligent Thermostat Heating Apparel
Please read these instructions completely and save this manual for future use.
DEWBU DB-118 通过 NTC 电阻精准采取发热区的温度,来进行精准的恒温控制。可以
手动模式,实现高、中、低三档温度调控,也可以手机安装 APP 连接加热服,实现高、中、
DEWBU DB-118 precise collect the temperature by NTC resistance then it can control the
thermostat accurately.
To use the M-mode adjust high medium or low temperature gear. Or download the APP
that can connect with our DEWBU DB-118 heating apparel to adjust the three temperature gear
or custom the temperature or custom the heating time etc.
1, M-mode use manual
二、APP 使用说明
二, APP use manual
1. 打开服装电源开关,长按 3 秒开机,然后你可以看到红色 LED 灯,默认的温度为 55
1,The red LED will light on upon long press the button for 3 seconds. The default
temperature is 50℃(The default gear is High Level
2. 打开手机,通过谷歌商店或苹果商店搜索 DEWBU 下载,或者扫描以下二维码下载并
安装 APP.
2, Please download the DEWBU APP from Google store, Apple APP store or scan the QR
code as follow.
3. 注册登陆后主界面:
The main interface after registered and login

Summary of content (8 pages)