Sound Control Protocol - (Firmware 1.1.3)

Table Of Contents
SSC Developer‘s guide for EW-DX | 7/57
Open Sound Control Overview
2. Open Sound Control Overview
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol developed at The Center For New Music and Audio Technol-
ogy (CNMAT) at University of California, Berkeley.
The OSC specification Version 1.1 is available from the Open Sound Control website at: .
The OSC Schema defined by MicroOSC at:
was used as a starting point for some parts of the schema defined in this document.
OSC handles more advanced packet formats such as bundles of messages to be atomically executed
at the same time with timestamps, as well as addresses with wildcards and array values.
2.1 JavaScript Object Notation Overview
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to
read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript
Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. JSON is a text format
that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of
the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and many others.
These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.
The central website for JSON information is JSON is formally specified in RFC 4627
(MIME-type application/json).
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a text format for the serialization of structured data. It is de-
rived from the object literals of JavaScript, as defined in the ECMAScript Programming Language
Standard, Third Edition.
JSON can represent four primitive types (strings, numbers, booleans, and null) and two structured
types (objects and arrays).
A string is a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters.
An object is an unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs, where a name is a string and
a value is a string, number, boolean, null, object, or array.
An array is an ordered sequence of zero or more values.
The terms "object" and "array" come from the conventions of JavaScript.
JSON’s design goals were for it to be minimal, portable, textual, and a subset of JavaScript.