Product brochure ew 300 G4 series

The ew 300 G4
The ew 300 G4 system comprises of outstanding compo-
nents and has now been optimized in its fourth generation.
The ew 300 G4 system is available in three different kinds
sets. (Handheld, Lavalier and Headmic Set)
The handheld and bodyback transmitter as well as the sta-
tionary receiver are also available as single components
for individual configuration of your desire.
The charging and antenna components round out the ew
300 G4 portfolio to provide best performance in operation
and reliability in any application. A unique accessory is the
LSP 500 PRO wireless loudspeaker system that is remote
controllable via LSP 500 PRO App. ew 300 G4 enables LSP
500 PRO to be a fully wireless public address system for
any speech or event.