Media Control Protocol for ew G4 series

TI 1254 v1.0 - ew G4 | 36/37
Technical information
Media control protocol description
States [get only by cyclic attributes]
Valid for device SR only
This attribute is sent to media control together with other cyclic attributes. The first parameter
shows current RF-Mute state, which means it shows the RF-Mute state at that point of time. The
second parameter shows the RF-Mute flag since last cycle.
„Since last cycle“ means that this parameter does not represent the current RF-Mute status but
what happened during last cycle. For instance at the beginning of a cycle there is no RF-Mute. Thus
parameter RF-Mute flag is set to ‚0‘. If a RF-Mute occurs this parameter is set to ‚2‘ even then when
RF-Mute switched back to Off-state when the cyclic attributes are sent out next. In other words
whenever there is a change on RF-Mute state within a cycle the second parameter returns a ‚2‘. If
there is no change during the complete cycle the second parameter returns a ‚0‘ if RF-Mute was
permanently off. Otherwise it returns a ‚1‘.
Name Value range Get request Set request Relative
RF-Mute state 0 => RF is currently on
1 => RF is currently off
- - No
RF-Mute flags 0: since last cycle RF is continuous-
ly on (=> RF-Mute is off)
1: since last cycle RF is continuously
off (=> RF-Mute is on)
2: since last cycle RF was not
permanently on, i. e. RF-Mute was
active during last cycle
- - No
States 0 0<CR>
RF-Mute is currently off, during last cycle no RF Mute was detected.
States 0 2<CR>
RF-Mute is currently off, during last cycle RF Mute was at least once detected.
States 1 2<CR>
RF-Mute is currently detected, during last cycle RF-Mute was at least once off.
See chapter „Response of cyclic attributes“ on page 9.