Media Control Protocol for ew G4 series

TI 1254 v1.0 - ew G4 | 11/37
Technical information
Media control protocol description
Commands and cyclic attributes (detail)
Commands valid for EM and SR
Push [set only]
Valid for device EM and SR
This command has got different meanings.
The first parameter realizes the already mentioned timeout mechanism in order to indicate that
UDP/IP connection is still up.
In case timeout is elapsed and no new Push command is sent to the device neither cyclic attributes
are sent anymore nor configuration attributes are updated on change nor cyclic attributes are up-
dated on change of warning, pilot signal or battery status.
But it is still possible to send single commands for example Frequency, RfConfig and so on. In other
words the timeout is only needed if cyclic or configuration attributes shall be sent to media device.
Second parameter determines the cycle time for the cyclic attributes. By passing a 0 as second
parameter no cyclic attributes are updated at all.
The third parameter is responsible for sending out attributes in dependency of their status and their
warnings, see following table (“–“ means “inactive, “X“ means “active“).
3rd parame-
ter value
Send configuration attri-
butes on change
of attributes
Send cyclic attributes on
change of warnings
Send cyclic attributes
on change of pilot signal
or status of battery
(EM only)
0 - - -
1 X - -
2 - X -
3 X X -
4 - - X
5 X - X
6 - X X
7 X X X
Column „send configuration attributes on change of attributes“ means that a configuration attri-
bute is sent when a change to this configuration attribute occurred. For instance when the name
changed via WSM or the front panel Sennheiser device sends out Name Madonna<CR>.
Column „send cyclic attributes on change of warnings“ means that all cyclic attributes are updat-
ed when any change of warning is detected. For instance when warning ‚Low Battery‘ is active all
cyclic attributes are sent by Sennheiser device.
Column „send cyclic attributes on change of pilot signal or status of battery“ means that all cyclic
attributes are transmitted on any change of pilot signal or status of battery. For instance when
status of battery changes from 100% to 70% all cyclic attributes are sent to media control. This
column is only valid for EM devices.