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Tire Chain Laws 2013
Please refer to the information below on state chain laws. For exact guidelines, please check the
appropriate state department of transportation websites.
Source: http://www.ortrucking.org/ChainLawSumm.pdf
United States Chain Laws
Alabama - Tire chains, or metal studded or safety spike tires of reasonable proportions may be used
when required for safety because of snow, rain or other slippery conditions.
Alaska - It is permissible to use tire chains because of snow, ice or other conditions which may cause a
vehicle to skid.
Arizona - Permissible when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to
cause a vehicle to skid. If a mountain pass or other roadway is posted vehicles must use chains because
of immediate weather conditions, then the vehicle must chain up or stop until the posting is lifted.
Arkansas - Chains of reasonable proportions may be used on any vehicle when required for safety.
Pneumatic tires with flat-headed studs projecting 1/16 inch or less beyond the tread may be used on
trucks up to 6,000 lbs. in weight when required for safety on ice or snow.
California - Required to be equipped with tire traction devices when entering a signed restricted area.
For more information, go to Caltrans’ Web site at www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/trucksize
Colorado - When the chain law is in effect, drivers will see signs along the roadway indicating which
vehicles should chain-up. In some areas of the state, lighted variable message signs will also alert drivers
of the chain-up information..Metal chains must consist of two circular metal loops, one on each side of
the tire, connected by not less than nine evenly spaced chains across the tread. Commercial vehicles
having four or more drive wheels must chain four wheels. Dual tire chains are acceptable. For more
information, go to CDOT’s Web site at www.cotrip.org/winterdriving/chainregs.htm
Connecticut - Studded tires and any other non-skid devices may be used from November 15 - April 30.
Delaware - No tires used on the highways of Delaware may have on their peripheries any blocks, studs,
flanges, cleats or spikes or any other protuberances of any material other than rubber which project
beyond the traction surface, except that studded tires are permitted from October 15 - April 15.
Georgia - Safety spike metal studs may be used when conditions demand them. A set of chains is also
permissible for all vehicles likely to encounter conditions requiring chains.
Idaho - Permissible to use tire chains. There are times when chains are required. Signs will be posted
“Chains required beyond this point” when the road is snow-covered or icy.
Illinois - Tire chains of reasonable proportion will be legal when required for safety because of snow,
ice or other conditions causing vehicles to skid.

Summary of content (4 pages)