Samsung Laser Printers - Easy Color Manager (White paper)

Color Effect
The Color Effect creates a special touch on your image. This effect allows you to add warm or cool tones to
your image. You can use this effect to make your print appear as if it is covered with a thin film of red, green,
blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, orange, deep-red, deep- blue, deep-yellow, or deep-emerald. You can also
quickly and easily create an underwater effect so that the image looks like it is in deep water, and you can use
the sepia or orange to make your print look old.
Fine Density
The Fine Density effect increases or decreases the image density on relatively bright or dark areas of an
image. By regulating the amount of CMYK toner, you can use this effect to emphasize the area of an image, or
you can improve the image quality. You can also enhance text readability by using this effect.