User's Manual

BD Wise (only Samsung products)
You can select to use the BD Wise menu only if the BD player is connected to a Samsung TV that
supports BD Wise using the HDMI cable.
What is BD Wise?•
BD Wise automatically adjusts BD Wise-compliant Samsung products to the optimal settings between them.
This feature is enabled only if BD Wise-compliant Samsung TVs are connected with each other using the
HDMI cable.
To use BD Wise•
Use the HDMI cable to connect the Bdplayer to a BD Wise-compliant Samsung TV.1.
Set each BD Wise menu of the BD player and the Samsung TV to On, respectively.2.
- This will optimize the picture quality according to the content (BD, DVD, etc) that you want to play.
- This will also optimize the picture quality between BD Wise- compliant Samsung TVs.
If you want to change the resolution in BD Wise mode, you must set BD mode to Off in advance. `
If you set off the BD Wise mode, the resolution of the connected TV will be adjusted to its `
maximum automatically.
BD Wise will be disabled if the player is connected to a device that does not support BD Wise.
For a proper operaiotn of BD Wise, set each BD Wise menu of the player and the TV to On, `