Glossary of Terms
Listed below are definitions of common words and terms pertaining to emergency flares and signaling
Aerial Flares
These are pyrotechnic devices that are launched into the air to create an emergency signal that can be
seen for miles around the greater the elevation, the larger the sighting distance. Aerial Flares are
most often used in marine applications and such signals are designed to meet or exceed the
requirements established by the United States Coast Guard. Aerial Flares are also used in setting
Backfires by wildfire firefighters. Orion Aerial Flares can be launched by a variety of mechanisms,
including a pistol-style safety launcher (25mm or 12-gauge), a pen-style safety launcher (16.5mm) or
Self-Contained (Skyblazer XLT and Orion SOLAS rockets). Certain Orion aerial flares also have
parachutes attached to the signal, such that the emergency signal or illumination flare can be
suspended aloft for a longer burn (up to 30 seconds).
Anti-Roll Device
Highway Flares that do not have the Wire Stand attachment can roll if placed on a hill or uneven
terrain. To prevent such rolling, each Orion Highway Flare has an anti-roll device included as part of
the Plastic Cap. After the Highway Flare has been ignited, the lid should be put back onto the Plastic
Cap and the Plastic Cap should be pushed onto the bottom of the Highway Flare. The tab that
protrudes from the lid of the Plastic Cap will prevent the Highway Flare from rolling. The Anti-Roll
Device is easy to use and effective to prevent an ignited Highway Flare from rolling off the roadway
into combustible grass or other roadside debris.
A Backfire is the deliberate use of fire in wildfire suppression. It is a tactic whereby a smaller fire is
ignited along a control line ahead of the main fire. The strategy is to consume fuel loads ahead of the
wildfire in a controlled manner, denying the wildfire of fuel so it can be weakened and more readily
extinguished. Backfire Torches manufactured by Orion are lighter, cheaper and more easily
transported than drip torches. Orion Backfire Torches are often used by wildfire fighters to set

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