User Manual Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System
This chapter describes how to configure the DecisioNet System
environment after the software is installed. Configuration is
accomplished using an ASCII editor, such as Windows Notepad, and
editing the parameters in the configuration files listed below. All of
these files are located in the /dnet/data directory following
DecisioNet CBS Configuration files (dncbsconfig.xml)
DecisioNet Configuration File (dnconfig.xml)
DecisioNet Host Bridge Conguration file (dnhostbridge.xml)
DecisioNet Task Manager Configuration file (taskman.cfg)
Three of these files are in XML format. XML is a mark-up language that
enables different programs to understand the structure of a file. This
facilitates the exchange of information between programs. When
editing these XML format files, care must be taken to only modify the
parameter or option setting.
The fourth file listed is the Task Manager file. This is not an XML
format file, but still may be modified using an ASCII editor. Details are
provided in the following sections on how to access and change
parameters in these files.

Summary of content (19 pages)