Use and Care Manual

In order to ensure that the ceramic sink will remain beautiful and easy to maintain
for a long time in the future, we recommend that you take effective care of it,
including daily cleaning, monthly deep cleaning and surface rejuvenation. Here are
some suggestions for suitable cleaning products so that you can prolong the service
life of the ceramic sink
Maintenance of Ceramic Sink
Daily cleaning
Cleaning the ceramic sink is very simple: due to the high density of this material,
almost no trace will be formed, because dirt can't adhere to it at all.
You just need to use an ordinary cleaning sponge and add some detergent and water.
Moisten the sponge slightly with water. Squeeze a small amount of detergent onto
the soft surface of the sponge. Wipe the surface of the ceramic sink with a sponge
soft surface in a circular way to remove the dirt on the surface. Finally, dry the
surface with a microfiber cloth.
Monthly deep cleaning
In order to remove particularly stubborn stains, we recommend using a proprietary
ceramic surface cleaner. Perform this deep cleaning every 3 to 4 weeks.
The use method is very simple: dip the cleaning sponge into the exclusive ceramic
cleaner, and carefully clean the ceramic sink in a circular way. After wiping, wait a few
minutes for it to take effect, and finally rinse with clean water. If you have a pull-out
spray faucet, it is more convenient to clean.
Avoid using such cleaners
1.Scrub cleaner or powder
2.Irritant, highly concentrated drain cleaner
3.Strong temperature regulating faucet and stainless steel cleaner
4.Prickly cleaning brush or steel wire ball
The above items may damage the ceramic surface. Make the sink dull and matte. To
avoid this

Summary of content (1 pages)