Instructions / Assembly

Rev – 14/11/16
Clean the surface of dust and remember that if your work is on painting, wallpaper, plaster or plywood panel,
you will have to use a metal lath to ensure the adhesion.
Combine material from several boxes and blend them
in order to achieve a more natural look. Always begin
by installing corner pieces first.
Depending on the material, an electric cutter, angle
grinder, or handsaw may be used to cut stone pieces.
Clean the stone of all traces of dust and apply the
mortar based adhesive on the whole back side of
the stone evenly. Press the piece firmly to the
surface ensuring that mortar sets properly.
Make sure you prepare a thick grout mix. Always
use a grout bag and apply evenly, being careful that
the grout does not spill on the stone.
Remove excess grout with a brush handle and
detail the grout with the bristles.
Your wall is ready. You can use sealants, anti-graffiti
or water repellent to give the desired finish.
Note: Consult building codes that apply according to regions and / or country; adapt this installation procedure.
Compliance with these regulations is the full responsibility of the user and installer.

Summary of content (2 pages)