Operating Tips

Yellow Lifting & Hardware LLC
Light up the safe world!
Thank you for choosing Yellow Lifting!
System Features:
1.Your complete system should include:
The light, Transmitter(the sending unit that plugs into the truck), and a Cigarette Lighter Charger Cord
(DC charger).
2.High performance electronics provide optimum range and reliability.
1,000 feet of line-of-sight range.
Injection molding keeps the electronics completely sealed from the elements such as moisture,
corrosion, or vibration damage.
3. LED power display on the top of the light.
4. Lifetime Warranty
Covers Electronics and LEDs
If ever the light falls to get a signal or an LED burns out, Yellow Lifting will replace the defective
component at no cost.
General Operating Tips:
1. First, plug the transmitter into the receptacle on the truck.
2. Power the light on by pressing the button switch at the bottom of the lamp body.
The light will go through a brief flash sequence indicating what series of electronics are in the unit
(useful when servicing or replacing parts).
3. The Light should now be fully operational for Wireless S/T/T signals.
4. Use the 12VDC power cord provided to recharge the unit.
It takes 6-8 hours to fully recharge the battery in the light.
You cannot overcharge the unit off of the trucks 12V system.
The battery in the unit should have a total life of 1-2years.
If a battery dies prior to the expected 12 month lifetime, Yellow Lifting may choose to warranty
(generally under 6 months), or pro-rate(6-12 months), the replacement.
If your light appears to have a low battery or will not take a charge, be sure that the fuse in the tip

Summary of content (2 pages)