Users Manual

Understanding PDM and Pod Function 12
12 Understanding PDM and Pod Function
Bolus Calculator examples
For an explanation of IOB, see page 160. For an explanation of the correction and
meal bolus equations, see page 162.
Example 1: Eating 45 g carbs, BG of 150 mg/dL is above target, no IOB
Duration of Insulin Action = 4 hours. You have not delivered a bolus in the past 4
hours, so there is no IOB (no meal IOB, no correction IOB).
Correction Bolus
1 U
Your blood glucose is 50 mg/
dL over your target. With your
correction factor at 50 and no
IOB adjustment, you will need a
1 U correction bolus.
BG = 150, Target BG = 100
Correction Factor = 50
(150-100) / 50 = 1 U
Meal IOB adjustment
Meal IOB = 0 U
1 U - 0 U = 1 U
No IOB, so no IOB adjustment.
Correction IOB adjustment
Correction IOB = 0 U
1 U - 0 U = 1 U
No IOB, so no IOB adjustment.
Meal Bolus
3 U
You are eating 45g carbs. With
your IC ratio at 15 and no IOB
adjustment, you will need a 3 U
meal bolus.
Carbs = 45 g, IC Ratio = 15 g/U
45 / 15 = 3 U
Correction IOB adjustment
Remaining correction IOB = 0 U
3 U - 0 U = 3 U
No IOB, so no IOB adjustment.
Calculated Bolus
4 U
The calculated bolus is the sum
of your correction bolus and
meal bolus.
Your Adjustment
0 U
Any adjustment you make to the
calculated bolus is shown here.
No adjustment was made.
Total Bolus
4 U
The total bolus is the sum of
the calculated bolus and any
adjustment made by you.

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