
Steam or vapor escaping
li'()l/l arot)IId tile (lo0)'.
I,ight reflection ar(mnd
door or outer case.
[)immil)g oven light and
change in tile blower
so/n)d at power levels
()tiler than high.
Dull thumping sound
while ()vet) is operating.
The vent/_m operating
while the microwave is
operating. The vent/_m
will not go off nor ca1) it
be turned off m/til tile
H/)crow?t\ e is o[].
TV-radio ilHerlhrence
might be noticed while
/lSillg the u/iCFOW?|\ e.
Similar to tile il)terfi:rence
caused 1)_ other small
apl)limmes, it does not
indicate a problem with
the microw_ve. Plug the
microwave into a different
electrical circuit, move the
radio or TV as tsr m\ _'>r
/FOI/I _he lllic17o\vilx, e Hs
possible or check die
position mid sigmd of
tile' TV/'r_dio antenm_.