
Time Features
This is a quick way to set
) cooking time for 1-6minutes.
@ ol e.f,t,eMin,.e
Cook pads (ti'om 1 to 6)
for 1 to (5 minutes ot
( ooking at t)oweF lexel 10.
For example, press the
_) " S "
_ 1)ad tor 2 mmme,_ ot
( ooking time.
The t)ower level can be
changed as time is
CO/ll/{Jllg dOWl/. PFUSS
POWER I ,E'_2I _and
enter 1-10.
You can use this feature
two ways:
It will add )0 s_(o _(Is to
the tilIle COtll/til/g dowI/
each time the t)ad is
h (an be used as a (lui(k
(ooking time.