
7 me Features
2 Enter defrosting time°
3 Press START
(Auto Defrost explained
in the section on
Convenience Features.)
Allows you to deflx)st tor the
length of tin/e roll select.
See tile l)e/i'osting Guide
tor suggested times.
Power level 3 is auton/aticall_
set, but you may change this
[or n/ore tlexibilitv.
_i)tl ln_l_ deti'ost small itenls
nlore quickly by raising the
power level alier entedng
the time. Howevel; th(w
will need more/i'equem
attent]oll thai//is/lal+
Power le_vl 7 CtltS the total
deti'osting time in about
halP, power lexel 10 cuts the
total time to at)t/roximately
1/3. Rotate or stir/ood
At one hall of selected
deti'osting time, turn/ood
()_'r all(t break at)art or
rearrange pieces for more
even deti'osting. Shield any
_l'_ll areas with small pieces
of toil.
A dull thumt/ing noise may
be heard during (te/i'osting.
This sound is normal _l/en
the o_,ell is I/or otler_tillg at
t ]igh power.
Defrosting Tips
Foods fir)zen in t)atler or
t)lasti( can be de/ir)sted ill
the package. Tightly closed
packages shotfld tie slit,
t)ierced or vented AKI'ER
/ood has partially
de/i:osted. Plastic storage
containers shotfld be at
least partially unco_vred.
Fmnil}_size, tn:epackaged
/i'ozell (lil/l/ers Call be
(tefi_osted and mi(ro_ved.
If tile/ood is in _1toil
(ontainel; mms/_+r it
to a IlIiCI'OVQI\ e-s_l/( + dish.
Foods that st/oil easily, such
as milk, egg_, fish, stuffings,
t)ouhry and l)ork, should
not be Mlowed to sit out
/or nlore than one hour
alter deti'osting. Room
telnt)erature tm)n/otes
the gTowth of hannflll
For nlore e\ en (te/i'osting
of larger/oods, such as
beet; lmnb and vend roasts,
use Auto De/i'ost.
t_e sure large lIleals are
COml/letely de/i'osted
betore cooking.
When de/ix)sted,/ood
should be cool but
so/tened in all areas. If still
slightly icy, return to the
_//icrow_\'e very bdetly, or
let it stand a/[+w minutes.