
i¸@ i
::enW:ing the fk'aturetrine
::lor TIME C()OI_ TIME ::::
iiiC OOIL The P°"vr le'_v'!
:::may also be cl:anged
defrosting time.
:i4 Select desired power
:: 5 Press START
Variat)le t)ower lexels add
tlexit)ility to nil( rowaxe
cooking. The t)ower lexels
on the l/It( FOWa_,e oven
can be COml)ared to the
surl_me milts on a range.
High (1lower level 10) or
hill t)ower is the ]_t_stest
way to cook and gives you
100% 1lower. Each t)ower
level gives you microwave
energ-} a certain t)ercent of
the time. Power level 7 is
microwave energ-y 70% of
the time. Power level 3 is
energ-y 30% of the time.
A high setting (10) will
cook/i_ster but/ood ma',
need more [i'eqtlellt
stirring, rotating or turning
over. Most cooking will 1)e
done on t ]igh (1lower level
10). A lower setting will
cook more evenly and need
less stirring or rotating of
Soi//e t()ods ill,iV have
better tlavor texttlre or
al)l)earance if one of the
lower settings is used. Use
a lower 1)ower level when
(ooking foods that haxe a
[endell(y to boil o'_er, s/tch
as scallot)ed potatoes.
Rest t)eriods (when lt'te
ll}i(ro'¢vr_zx, e energ_ (v(10s
o/1") giw.' lime lot t]'..' toed
to 'e(lttalize" or lrmisti_'r
heat _<)the inside el the
|ood. An example o/this is
bho\'vu, \_ilh power level B--
the de/t'ost ( (le. 11
i//icrow_we eller_-'v did 1101
('v(-]e 011. lhe otttside el lhe
Iood would cook belbre
the inside \,,as det]'osled.
/lere _lre Nellie exal/ll)b-_
O[ liNeS t()r variotls power
PowerLevel BestUses
High 10 FM:. bacon.
boilin_ liquids.
Med-High 7 Gentle
cooking or
llleal lind
and rehcaling.
Medium 5 Slow cookillg
and lenderizing
S[/( h _ls SteW_
alld less tellder
CllLS el llllq41
tow2or3 Deli'oslin _,
delicate smites.
Warm I Kceping lood
W_I Fin Ivi tllol/1
overcookiil _