
Convenience Features
(lesstime) tmoretimej
Use oR ¥ with prepackagee
nicrowave popcorn weighing
3,0to 3,5ounces.
How to Use the Popcorn
I Follow package
instructions, using Time
Cook if the tlackage is
less than _).00tlll(es or
larger than 3.5 ounces.
Place the package of
t)Ot)corn ill the center
of tfte microwave.
2 Press P()PC()RN. Tile
oven starts in/illediatelv.
Tap P()PC()RN to select
tfte bag size you are
Haw to Adjust the Popcorn
Program to Provide a Shorter
or Longer Cook Time
Iivou find that the brand oI
t)ot)corn _'()ll [Ise [lllderl)ot)s
or overeooks consistentl},
you can add or subtract
20-30 se(onds to the
automatic t_Ol/ping time.
To add tlnle:
M_ler pressing P()PC()RN,
press 9 immediately after
the oven starts t_)r an extra
20 seconds.
To subtract thne:
M'ter pressing P()PC()RN,
press 1 immediately after
the o_en starts t_)r 20
seconds less cooking time.