
o Use Ibil only as directed in
this nlanu_d. When using
loll in the ink rowa_e
oven, keep the li)il at least
1" awm from the sides of
the o_en.
* Plastic cookware Plastic
cookwar_ designed lor
microw_ cooking is v_r?
us(fill, ll/lt should 11( used
ear(fllll}. E_en microw_t_e-
sate plastic may not be as
toleram of o_ ercooking
conditions _s are gl_lss or
cer_mlic materials _md
m_ty solien or chin: if
sut}ject_ d to short l_eriods
of o_ ercooking./n longer
exllosures to o_ercooking,
the lood and cookware
could ignite.
Follow these guidelines:
I Use lnicrowm e-sate
plastics onh. and use
them in StlJCt compliance
with the cookware
r( COI//Illei/(tati OilS.
2 Do not illicrowave ( l//l)l},'
3 Do not permit chikh:en
to/lse plastic cookwar(
without con/illete
Still( rvision.
The ]kli/will operate
autoinaticallv raider
certain (onditions (see
Automatic Fan tbamre).
"E_k( care to tlrevem tile
starting and spreading of
accidental looking lires
while tile x_nt lira is ill use.
®Clean tile mld(rside of
tile i//icrow_t\ e ()lien.
Do not allow grease
to build lit) on tile
I/licrowa_( or the
thn lilters.
* hi the exent of a grease
fire on the surlhce units
below tile l/licrowave
ov(n, smother a flaming
lla]l Oll tile s/lrl_lce tlnit
b} co_ering tile pan
completely with a lid, a
cookie sheet or a fiat tra_,.
* Use care when cleaning
the veto thn filters.
Corrosive cleaning
agents, su(h as h.e-based
o,,(n cle;mers, l/l_t}
damage the lilters.
®When pr(ilaring
/laining loods under tile
microwav(, turn the vent
Ihn on.
®N(ver lem:e s/lrlkice units
t)eneath VO/lr illicrowave
oven m/atlended at high
heat settings, goilov_ rs
cause smoking and
greasy spillox ers that may
ignite and spread if tile
Hlicrow_t\( V(HI ihn is
operating. "Ib minimize
a/ltoI/lati( l;_ll oil(ration,
/lse ad(quate sized
cook_are and use high
heat on surlhee tlnits
only wheH n_ eessar}.