
M_&e sure all cookware
/Ise(l ill VO/IF I/lit t'OW_lVe
()veil is sift(able lot
inicrowa_ing. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
measuring cups, custard
cups, potter} or china
dinnerware which does no[
have metallic _rim or glaze
with a metallic sheen can
be/lsed. Sol/le (ooh_are
is labeled "suitable lor
How 1:o test for a microwave
safe dish.
e I1 V()ll ;iI'e ll()l SttFe lJ
., dish is ltlicrow_ixe-stdi .
tl_ I]_is leSl: I_l_('_ il_ I]_l'
o\_'ll |/o_h 1|1_' dish vol_
_re teStlilg mid u k,"luss
meueuring cup lilled with
1 (ttlliffwu|er se|the
measuriug cup either
iu in" new to |he dish.
Micriiw>_ve 30-45 seconds
_t high. If the dish/le_ts.
i_ shimhl iio/lie used |or
If tile dish reulains cool
and only tile water in tile
(U]_l heats, _hen tile dish
is microw>t_ e-salb.
If you use a meat
thernlonleter while
(ookhlg, make sure it is
salt' |()1"/lee ill i/lici'owave
_' Do not use recycled
paper products. Recycled
paper towels, napkhls
and waxed paper Call
(ontain metal flecks
which nl m, cause arcing
or ignite. Paper i)roducts
containing iivIon or
nylon |ilaments should
be avoided, as they m m
also ignite.
o Sortie st}.rolban/ trays
(like those that meat is
packaged on) llm,e a thin
strip of metal enlbedded
ill tile bottoHl. When
illicrowa_ed, tile illetal ca_l
I)[llTn tile floor of tile ()veil
or ignite a paper towd.
. Do not use the microwave
to e/l-},newspapers.
. Not all plastic wrap is
suitable tot use ill
microwave ovens.
Check tile llackage
tbr llroper rise.
®Paper towels, waxed
llaper and plastic wrap
can be used to cover
dishes in order to retain
inoisture and prevent
Sllauering. Be sm:e to
vent plastic wrap so steam
Call escape.
®Cookware ill_l\, becoii/e
hot because of heat
translbrre d fl:oin tile
heated |ood. Pot holders
in m' be needed to handle
the cookware.
'_ "Boilab/e" cooking
pouches and tightly
closed plastic bags should
be slit, llierced or xented
as directed by package.
If tile\\, are not, plastic
co/fld lmrst during or
immediateh, all el:
cooking, possibly res/fldng
in inj/n'}. Also, plastic
storage containers sho/fld
be at least partially
uncovered because they
Ibrm a dght seal. When
cooking with containers
tightly covered with
plastic wrap, renlove
covering carefully and
direet steai/i awu}' |17()1/I
hands and lhce.