
Arcing is tile lnicrowm (
term lot sparks ill tile
o_en. Arcing is cruised by:
o The metal shelf (if
inchlded) not installed
eorr(ctlv so it tlmches tile
micro_ave wall.
The ten/pel:ature l)robe
(if iilcluded) in tile
illiCrowave bllt Hot
inserted ill tile tood.
M(tal or foil louching
file side of file oxen.
Foil not mold(d to lood
(/Ipt/u:ned edges act like
,, Metal, su(h as tMst-ties,
poultr} pins or gold-
rinnned dishes, in tile
Recycled i)al)er towels
containing small metal
pieces being used in
the i/licl'ow_we.
l)o not t)op l)Ol)eorn ill
your microwave oven
mlless ill a special
IlIiCI?OWHVe t )Ot)COl?l/
accessory Ol: Ill/less VO/l
use l)Opcorll labeled tot
use ill microwave ovens.
Sol//e t)l?odtlctS sHch as
whole eggs and sealed
containers tor examl)le,
dosed jal:s--are able to
exlflode and should not
be heated ill this
nlicrowa_e o_en Such use
of the nlicrowa_ e oven
could result ill il_jury.
I)o not t)oil eggs ill a
microwave oven. Pressure
will build ut) inside egg
yolk and will cause it to
burst, possibly resulting
ill ill j_l_yr.
()t)erating the microwave
with no h)od inside/or
more than a mimlte Ol:
tWO lll_ly C_HISC d_tl//_lge
to the oven and could
start a {ilTe. It ill(17eases
tile heat arOulld the
n/agneu:lm and Call
shorten file li/i' of
tile OVell
Foods with mlbroken
Ollter "skill" S/l(h _tS
potatoes, hot dogs,
sausages, tOlllatoes,
apples, chicken li_ers
and other giblets, and
egg yolks should be
t)ielxed to allow steam
to escape dm:ing