
Microwave Terms
Term Definition
Arcing Ar(ing is the IlIi(FOVQI_,e |el'Ill foF st)arks ill the oxell. Areillg is
caLised 1)',:
metal or foil touching the side of the oven.
foil that is not molded to/ood (upturned edges aci like
metal such as twist ties, poulu_ pin,<s ogold-rmm_ed" dishes."
re(y(led paper towels (ontaining small metal pie(es.
Covering Coxers hold in moisture, allow tor more men heating and red uee
cooking time. X_mting plastic v41_lt) ()1_ (oxering with wax t)al)el _
;41lows ex(ess steaH/ 1o es(al)e.
Shielding In a regular oxen, )ou shield chicken breasts or baked foods 1o
foil 1o shield fllin parts, such as the tips of wings and legs on
poultv}, which would cook before larger parts.
Sta.ding Thne When roll co(,k with 17ealllal7 (,'_ellS, foods sllch as 17()_tsts(,r cakes _,lTe
allowed to stand to t]nish cooking or to set. Standing time is
especially important in l//ic1x)x*(_lve cooking. Note that a mierowaxed
cake is not placed on a (ooling rack.
Venting Afler (oxering a dish wi|h plastic w17_tp,VOH _,ellt the plastic wra t1 llv
HI1711il/_ 1)a(k ol/e (OFllel" SO ex(ess ste_lH/ (all es( alle.