
The Reheal/(_amre rcheals
serxil tgs el mm_y prexiously
cooked toods.
I 1_21 IEA']'.
2 Select food type 1-7 R)r
oue sevviu g (see Reheat
Guide belo\_). THe oxen
slarls immediawk.
3 Press 2 or 3 t() ( hange the
set\ ing size.
NOTE:Theserving size may
be changed or added after
the oven starts. Press
nmnber pad 2 or 3.
The serving size for food
type 7 cannot be changed.
Reheat Guide
I Pasta Coxer _ri|]l lid or xented plasti( wrap.
2 Meats and casseroles Coxer wiIh lid or xeHted plasti( wrap.
3 Fruits and vegetables Coxer wi|h lid or xeHted plasti( wr_lp.
4 Beverages (8-10 oz.) Works best wi|h wide mouth mug--do not (oxer.
5 Sauces andgravies Coxer wi|]l lid or xeHted plasti( wr_tp.
6 Pizza (slices) Do not (oxer.
7 Plate of leftovers Coxer wiIh Xel/ted plasti(wr_lt).
(2-3foods, 4oz. each)