
Microwave Terms
Term Definition
Arcing is the llliCrowa',,e term tor sparks in the oxen. Arcing is
(atlsed 1)_:
metal or fi)il touching the side of tile oven.
toil that is not molded to/ood (upturned edges _l(-tlike
metal su(h _,s twist ties, poultr} t)ins, gold-rimmed dishes.
re(y<led paper towels (ontaining small metal pie(es.
Covers hold ill moisture, allow tot more even heating and red uce
cooking time. Xi'nting pklstic wrap or (overing with vv_lxpaper
allows ex(ess steam to es(ape.
Ill a regular oven, you shield (hi(ken bre_lsts or baked/oods to
prevent ovel_browning. When mi(row_ving, you use small strips of
toil to shield thin parts, such _s tile tips of wings _md legs on
t/oultv}, whi(h wotll(t (ook be/ore larger parts.
When you (ook with regular ovens,/_)ods su(h as roasts or (akes are
allowed to stand to finish cooking or to set. Standing time is
est)e(i_dly imtlortaHt ill mi(row_\e (()()king. Note that _1mi(ro_*_ed
(ake is not placed on _ (()()ling rack.
Aller (overing _ dish with t)k_sti(wral) , _'OH vent tile plastic v_r_q/l/y
turning b_wk one corner so excess steam <all es<atle.