
Defrosting Guide
Food Time Comments
Breads, Cakes
Bread, buns or rolls +] piece) | mhL
Sweetrolls approx. 12 oz.. 3 t(_ "+,rain.
Fish and Seafood
Fillets, frozen _1 lb., 6 u, _ rain.
Shelffish, smallpieces (1 lb.t 5 to 7 rain. P|a(e b|o(k in (a.',sero|e. "I'm_n oxer and
break u]) a/ier half dm l]/lle.
Plastic pouch--1 to2 :4 u, +_rain.
(]0-oz. package)
Bacon 1 lb.,
Franks (1 lb3
Groundmeat I lb.,
Roast:beef, lamb, veal, pork
Steaks, chops and cutlets
cutup (2½ +o 3 lbs.
_2½ to 3 lbs._
Cornish hen
Turkey breast, 4 +o 6 lbs.,
:5 Io 7 min.
12 to 16 rain.
per lb
:5 io 7 min.
per ll)
15 to lDmin.
17 to 21 min.
7t() 13min.
per lb
Place unopened package in oven.
Iet stand 5 minutes after deflx)sting.
Place unopened package in oven.
Microwave just until R'anks can be
separated, let stand 5 minutes,
if necessar}, to complete defl:osting.
Turn IIleat over after half tile time.
Use power level 1.
Place unwrapped meat in cooking dish.
Turn over after half file tillle _+.ndshield
warm areas with R)il. When thfished,
separam pieces and let stand to complete
Place wrapped chicken in dish. Unwrap
and turn over after half tile time. When
finished, separate pieces and microwaxe
2-4 minutes more, if necessary.
Iet stand to tinish det_'osting.
Place wrapped ehi(ken in dish. AJler half
[lie lime,/l//wra]) alld tllrll e]lickell over.
Shield warm areas wifll toil. Nnisft
de/i'osting. If ne( essavy, run cold water in
tile cavity until giblets can be removed.
Place unwrapped hen in tile oven breast-
side-up. Tm:n over after ftalt tile time.
Run cool water in tile (avity tmtil giblets
can 1,e removed.
Place unwral)l)ed breast in dish breast-
side-down. After half tile time, turn over
and shield warm areas with/i)il. Finish
deti'osting. Eet stand 1-2 hours in
rel_'igerator to COml)lem de/i'osting.