
About the convenience features.
NOTE: Do not use this feature
twice in succession on the same
food portion-it may result in
severely overcooked or 5umt food.
The Pizzafeature is for reheating 1 to 4 slices
of pizza.
PressPizza once for one slice of pizza,twice
for two slices,three times for three slices and
four times for four slices.The oven will start
immediatelu after Pizzais pressed.
NOTE:Do not use this feature
twice in succession on the same
food portion-it may result in
severely overcooked or burnt food.
The Potato feature cooks up to four 8-10
ounce potatoes.
PressPotato once for one potato, twice for
two potatoes, three times for three potatoes
and four times for four potatoes. The oven will
start immediatelu after Potato is pressed.