User Manual

n rolems tat arise or falts tat occr can oftene resolve easil.
efore contacting te ftersales ervice cec te folloing tale to see eter o can resolve terolem
f te rolem ersists contact or nearest ftersales ervice entre.
ea te saet insttions aell beoe ain ot an o te olloin o
e oven is not oring.
oer ct.
isconnection from te
mains. alfnction.
ec for te resence of mains
electrical oer an eter te
oven is connecte to te electricit
sl. rn off te oven an restart
it to see if te rolem ersists.
T IC
 CTCTI 
T IC
ec eter o can resolve terolem
orself sing an of te measres escrie in te
rolesooting section.
rn off te oven an restart it to see if te
rolem ersists.
o receive assistance call te nmer given on te
arrant leaflet enclose it teroct or follo
te instrctions on or esite. e reare to
a rief escrition of te rolem
te eact moel te of or roct
te assistance coe te nmer folloing te or
 on te ientification late attace to te
roct ic can e seen on te insie ege en
te oven oor is oen
or fll aress
a contact teleone nmer.
lease note f reairs are reire contact an
atorise service centre tat is garantee to se
original sare arts an erform reairs correctl.
lease refer to te enclose arrant leaflet for more
information on te arrant.