_Mlo_vsyou to defl'ost fi)r a selected length
of time. See the Deflx)sting Guide fi)r
suggested times. (Auto Defrost explained
in tile About the auto feature section.)
_'_ Enter defl'osting time.
_ Press START
D Turn tile tbod o'_er alter half tile time.
_'_ Press START
At one half of selected defi'osting time, turn
toed over and break apart or rearrange
pieces fin" more even defl'osting. Shield any
warn/areas with small pieces offifil. Tile
oven will continue to deii'ost if you don't
open the door and tm'n the filed.
A dull thumi)ing noise may be heard
(hwing defrosting. This is nomml when
oven is not operating at Highpowex:
Defrosting tips
Foods fl'ozen in paper or plastic can be
defl'osted in the package. Closed packages
should be slit, pierced, or vented Abq-ER
fixed has partially defi'osted. Plastic storage
containers shouM be partially tmcovered.
[_mfily-size, prepackaged fl'ozen dinne_
can be deti'osted and microwaved. If tile
toed is in a foil containe_; transter it to
a microwave-sate dish.
Foods that spoil easily should not be
allowed to sit out for more than one hem"
direr (leti'ostillg. Room telnperature
promotes tile growth of hamdifl bacmria.
D)r more even deti'osting ot linger fi)ods,
such as roasts, use AutoDefrostBe sure
lmge meats are completely defl'osted
beiore cooking.
_._]/en deli'osted, food should be cool
but softened in all areas. If still slightly
icy, retHrn to tile ii/icrowave oven velw
briefly, or let it stand a ti_w minutes.
Food Time Comments
Breads, Cakes
Bread buns or ml/s (1 piece) 1/4 rain.
Sweet rolls (approx. 12 oz.) 2 to 4 rain. Rearrang-€ after half tile time.
Fish and Seafood
Fillets, frozen (11b,) 6 to 9 rain.
Shellfish, smallpieees (1lb.) 3 to 7 rain. Place blocl< in casserole. Turn o_er and break up after half tile time.
Plastic pouch--1 or2 l to 5 rain.
(lO-oz package)
Bacon (1 lb.)
Franks (1lb.)
Gmuudmeat (1/b,)
Roast: beef, lain& veal,pork
Steaks, chops,and cutlets
Chicken, broiler-fryer, cut up
(2½to 3 Ibs,)
Chicken, whole (2½ to 3 Ibs,)
Turkeybreast (4to 6 Ibs,)
2 to 5 rain.
2 to 5 rain.
4 to 6 rain.
9m 13 rain.
per lb.
4 m 8 rain.
per lb.
14 m 20 rain.
20 m 25 rain.
7m 13 rain.
per lb.
3 m 8 rain.
per lb.
Place mlopened package in o_en. Let stand 5 minutes after defi'osting.
Place mlopened package in o_en. Microwave just until fi'anks can be separated.
[ set stand 5 rain utes, if necessar), to complete defi'osting.
Turn meat o_er after first half of time.
Use power level I.
Place unwrapped meat in cooking dish. Tm'n oxer after first half of time and shieM
warm areas _ith foil. _Mter second half of time, separate pieces _ith table knife.
[set stand to complete defi'osting.
Place wrapped chicken in dish. U mvrap and tunl over after first half of time.
Alter second half of time, separate pieces and place in cooking dish. Micro_x_*e
2 to 4 minutes more, if necessal) [set stand a few minutes to finish defi'osting.
Place wrapped chicken in dish. _Mter half tile time, mlwrap and turn chicken o_e_;
ShieM _um areas with foil. To complete defi'osting, run cold water in the emit}
until giblets can be removed.
Place tmwTapped hen in tile o_en breast-side-up. Tunl o\er after first half of time.
Run cool water in tile emit) until giblets can be removed.
Place unwrapped breast in microwme-safb dish breast-skle<to*m. _Mter fhst half
of time, ttlr]l breast-side-up and shiekl warm areas with foil. Defi'ost for second
half of time. [set stand I to 2 hours in refi'ig-erator to complete defi'osting.