Users Manual Part 6

4.10.2 How to select the number of past position points to be dis-
1. Open the menu.
2. Select [5 TT•AIS].
3. For IMO-types, select [4 TT•AIS SYMBOL].
For C-types, select [3 TT•AIS SYMBOL], then select [0 NEXT].
4. For IMO-types, select [5 TT•AIS PAST POSN POINTS].
For C-types, select [3 TT•AIS PAST POSN PTS]
5. Select [5] or [10] as appropriate.
6. Close the menu.
4.10.3 Past position display orientation
Past position orientation, true or relative, is controlled with [TRAIL MODE] in the
[TRAIL] context menu. To adjust the trail orientation, see section 1.37.1.
4.10.4 Stabilization in true motion
True motion past position display can be ground stabilized or sea stabilized. The
[TRAIL] box shows current stabilization as "TRUE-G" or "TRUE-S". To change stabi-
lization mode, open the [SHIP SPEED MENU] menu and set [SHIP SPEED] to
[LOG(BT)] (ground stabilization) or [LOG(WT)] (sea stabilization).
4.10.5 How to set the AIS track color (C-types only)
You can set the AIS track color with the following procedure.
1. Open the menu.
2. Select [5 TT•AIS].
3. Select [3 TT•AIS SYMBOL].
4. Select [4 AIS TRACK COLOR].
5. Select the appropriate color, then left-click.
6. Close the menu.

Summary of content (46 pages)